Social Media Calls Black Dentist 'Anti


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Jun 03, 2024

Social Media Calls Black Dentist 'Anti

A Black dentist has gone viral on social media for her rule against hair bonnets, slippers, and pajamas inside her dental practice. On May 17, a Twitter user posed a question in response to one

A Black dentist has gone viral on social media for her rule against hair bonnets, slippers, and pajamas inside her dental practice.

On May 17, a Twitter user posed a question in response to one Facebook user who posted a screenshot of the note her dentist, Dr. Sutton, had posted at her reception desk.

“At my dentist office, and this was the first thing I noticed!!!” a Facebook user named Sheila Hampton wrote. “I definitely jumped for joy.”

The dentist’s message let her patients know that if they wish to be serviced at her place of business, they’ll have to dress accordingly.

“No Bonnets. No House Shoes. No Pajama Bottoms,” the framed message read. “We will be happy to reschedule your appointment.”


— h✮nesty thee liar (@allhailtinasnow) May 17, 2023

While Facebook user Hampton supports the Mo’Nique-esque approach to banning bonnets and sleepwear at the dental practice, Twitter quickly accused the Black female dentist of being “anti-Black.”

“Giving a f@*k about attire instead of health. this is just anti black as HELL,” one user quipped.

Someone else posted an alleged photo of the dentist and accused her of being “one of THOSE.”

the dentist and dentist office in question. you can tell she’s one of THOSE

— h✮nesty thee liar (@allhailtinasnow) May 17, 2023

Another Twitter user called the dentist out for seemingly housing her dental practice in an urban area despite demanding the personal presentation she could get if she relocated to another location.

“Her establishment is literally in the HOOD in a trap house turned dentist office,” the user wrote. “Maybe she should relocate to the demographic she prefers instead.”

After issuing the bonnet ban, the dental practice has received several negative reviews for allegedly being “anti-Black” and canceling appointments “for appearance.”


— h✮nesty thee liar (@allhailtinasnow) May 18, 2023

The Black female dentist now joins the ranks of actress/comedian Mo’Nique, who has spoken out publicly against Black women wearing bonnets and pajamas at airports and other public places.

RELATED CONTENT: Social Media Asks Mo’Nique to Wear A Bonnet Instead of Her Newest Look